Thursday, October 25, 2012

White Trash Party

Hi- Kim here.    Mike and I are trying to keep as busy as we can, to keep from going crazy with the waiting for the baby.   Last Friday night, we attended a "White Trash/Trailer Park" party Mike's work threw.  It was pretty fun, though I got pretty tired early on.  We had a good laugh about what we would say to an officer if we had gotten pulled over on the way to the party.  "No officer, we don't normally go out like this, it is for a party, really."

It has finally gotten cold enough that once again we have our tub with latching lid outside which is our makeshift extra freezer during winter time.  With daytime highs in the teens and this tub stays in the shade, it is perfect for extra storage, especially the one thing I had left to nest--cooking up a bunch of things to make meals after the baby arrives easier.  I found this blog that talked about how to line your pans with plastic wrap (and sometimes parchment) to get a casserole to freeze in the pan and then you can pop it out of the pan (and the pan is still clean) then the casserole goes into a freezer bag and then you have a lot more space to store things ahead of time.  So that is what has been keeping me busy the last few days.  I have easily washed every dish in my kitchen about 4 times.   But alas, I have done about as much as I can do.  

I even went to the trouble of making broth, just like how Julia Child would.  I have one of her cookbooks (Thank you Mike!) I remember watching her as a child on PBS and loving her quirkiness and yummy cooking.  But I've realized as I have read the cookbook that all day long, really the only thing this woman did is cook.  Because EVERY recipe takes and insane amount of time.  This broth recipe:
Took over 4 hrs to make, including clean up time and only made 3 3/4 cups.  It is fabulous but it is hard to delicate so much time to such a little yield.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

40 Weeks and Beyond

    Hi blog world. Mike here. So I sit here coughing on a Saturday night in cold Fairbanks. Much has happened in the last 3 weeks. Kim is still pregnant and getting bigger. We are expecting the baby in the next week or so, which is exciting. Kim is definitely ready, as am I. It will be neat to meet our baby! Unfortunately, for the last couple of weeks, I have had bronchitis, which is no fun. Coughing loudly and not sleeping at night isn't any fun. Thankfully, I seem to be on the mend, which I am sure Kim is thankful for as well.

   Winter is back in Alaska! It snowed a few days ago, and now we have a beautiful landscape around us. The sky is pink, purple, and generally beautiful, as is the weather. It was a balmy 20 above zero today :D I'm looking forward to the baby getting to see such a beautiful place God has created.

   We will be keeping people posted as things change, and after Kim has the baby! Thanks to all of our readers, and you will be hearing from Kim soon!!!
